Stop Caring what People Think Affirmations

Stop caring what others think about you and become free to pursue your dreams with the help of this transformational affirmations mp3.

Stop Caring what People Think Affirmations CD Album Cover
  • Do you often find yourself imagining how others might react to your ideas and abandon them from fear of being ridiculed?
  • Do you lack faith in your own judgment?
  • Does the fear of others’ reactions prevent you from pursuing your goals?
  • Do you want to start believing in yourself more and to reduce the influence others have on you?

Being decent and sensitive means that we should take into consideration the feelings and thoughts of others and many times their opinion can save us from making the wrong choice. However, if you care too much what they think and how they will react to you, you can easily enter the enchanted circle of living by your imagination and blowing things out of proportion, which can make your options very limited.

Playing it safe from fear of others’ reaction prevents you from trying new things and doing anything that might cause them to make you feel bad about yourself.

That’s no way to live your life. If you want help and support to overcome this and to really, deeply stop giving so much importance to what people might say about you, then use this album and let it change the way you feel on a core level.

What to Expect

There’s no magic pill to make you more self-confident – you have to work on it and to make a real effort, but affirmations can motivate and empower you to stick to it. As you listen to this album your mind will gradually get used to the idea that your opinion matters and that you are your own best friend. It will make it much easier for you to accept this idea as truth and to develop the mindset that will help you to:

Download our free app for iPhone/iPad today and listen immediately after your purchase- just search the App Store for Trinity Affirmations.

Download this album now to start being more yourself, free to do, say or become whatever you want!

Present Tense

  • I am confident with who I am
  • I live life without concern of what others think of me
  • I am relaxed and happy in all social situations
  • I always go after what I want
  • I am a positive thinker and only think about the best possible outcome
  • I am free from worry about what others may think about my plans and goals
  • I make my own decisions
  • I am a person who thinks for himself
  • I am happy with who I am
  • I am just naturally care free

Future Tense

  • I will live life free of worry about what others think
  • I am becoming more confident by the day
  • I will make decisions without worrying about what others may think
  • I am finding myself more relaxed in social situations
  • Each day I worry less and less about what others think
  • I will go for what I want
  • I will become care free
  • I am turning into someone who thinks only positive thoughts
  • I am transforming into someone who loves themselves
  • I will learn to enjoy life and forget about what people might think about me

Natural Tense

  • Being carefree comes naturally to me
  • I find it easy to go after what I want
  • My mindset is that of a positive and happy person
  • I have and always will love myself
  • Caring about what others think is something I am free from
  • Positive thinking is something I naturally do
  • Being free from the fear of what others think has made my life great
  • People see me as someone who goes after what they want
  • Accepting myself is something that comes naturally to me
  • I find it easy to make decisions on my own terms